Windows 10

How to Restore the Old Legacy Notepad in Windows 11

How to Restore Old Legacy Notepad in Windows 11

Windows 11 brought a lot of new stuff, including an updated Notepad app. But if you’re someone who likes the old Notepad from Windows 10, you’re actually not alone. This guide will [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
How to Check if a KB Update is Installed in Windows 11
Windows 10

How to Check if a KB Update is Installed in Windows 11

Windows 11, the latest system from Microsoft, looks super cool with its new design and works faster. Microsoft keeps it safe and fresh by sending out updates called Knowledge Base (KB) updates. [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
What is HidCerberus.Srv Service

What is HidCerberus.Srv Service and How to Uninstall it?

HidCerberus.Srv service is a tool made by to help with using devices like game controllers on Windows, especially if Windows doesn’t support them directly. This guide will dive [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
How to Remove Album Art From MP3 in Windows 11 10
Windows 10

How to Remove Album Art From MP3 in Windows 11/10

Ever felt like cleaning up your music collection by getting rid of album art that’s not your vibe or just looks out of place? Album art can really make your music collection pop by adding [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Change File Date and Timestamp via CMD or PowerShell Windows 11
Windows 10

Change File(s) Date & Timestamp via CMD or PowerShell

One of the very popular and useful tricks with Microsoft Windows is changing the dates and times of your files using Command Prompt (CMD) or PowerShell. This skill is super useful whether [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Add Folder to Path Environment Variable in Windows 11 10

Add Folder to Path Environment Variable in Windows 11/10

The Path environment variable feature in Windows is very important because it lets your computer know where to find the programs when you run them through Command Prompt. For example, if you add [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Windows 11 New Folder Missing From Right-Click Menu

Windows 11 “New Folder” Missing From Right-Click Menu

If you’re struggling to find the “New Folder” option when you right-click on your Windows 11 computer, making it impossible to create new folders, it’s a common issue. [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Turn Windows Features on or off please wait

Turn Windows Features On or Off: “Please wait…”

The “Turn Windows Features On or Off” window is a very useful tool in Windows that allows you to turn on or off different parts of the operating system (because some features are not [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
BAT Files Not Running Windows 11 10

Batch (.BAT) Files Not Running in Windows 11/10

If you use Windows and have ever tried working with batch files, you might have noticed sometimes they don’t do what you expect when you double-click them. They could open in a text [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
How to Uninstall Cold Turkey During a Block

How to Uninstall Cold Turkey During a Block

Cold Turkey is a handy tool for folks looking to cut down on distractions by blocking certain websites and apps for a set time. Sometimes, though, you might need to get rid of Cold Turkey while [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago